Art 1 Final Portfolio

1. My landscaping photo was my favorite and most succesful one because ,i took my time on it and did a great job with the path . i like how it darkens up the more you go. on the leaves i did the best at.for the color i used gree,light green, and some yellow green. the the trees were the most challenging for me because i couldnt really get a perfect size of it but i did use lots of burnt sienna, red brown, and yellow brown in mixture to come out with that my actual landscaping photo the grass was just plain green everywhere but i decided to make the bottom daark green and lighten it up by the top because there is supposed to be a shine right by the middle of the picture. the vanishing point fit right in where i wanted the path to be.the path is what mostly really made me like the picture because of the way it cuts threw the grass and sits under the leaves .

2. this is my least favorite one that i like because its hard to draw perspective for me .why i dont like this picture because its obvious that you can see that i just rushed through it and didnt really put my time or tecture in the color i just put 2 dominat colors. i could have put more detail in the bored and background .the most difficult part for me was the drawing the game pieces .it was very difficult.what i learned from this picture is to take my time and put more details and colors to my background and to find my vanishing point. i learned from this picture is that  there is always a vanishing point every part has to connect to something.the sorry deck of cards isnt very scaled correctly i didnt really take time to draw it better basically my point is that i learned i need to take time to make a great masterpiece.

3. in my clay tile i used the most skills in .the snake i did designing in the scails of the snake and the coloring.the trees i used different colors to make it look more real .the colors are burnt sienna and gold mixed with brown i used these colors to make the tree bark stand out . the sun i used a very light orange and red ish yelllow because in the photo its was very hot .i made the grass by strands and  as the trees.the flat top on top of the tree represent the leaves on the trees.on that color i just used a dark green .there wasnt much background because there really wasnt in the picture i looked up i thought about trying to add another snake to the clay tile but i thought it would take up too much space in my sculpture .but i still put everything i thought that would make the clay tile stand out and i didnt get to push the of coat on it to make it shine .the color of the sun is what makes me like it i love the mixature of red,orange, and yellow.
4. this photo i didnt really learn alot from because all we did was just draw what we saw and add a shadow .i dont think this photo was really important to know.but i did draw the can best as i could but i did mess up as you can see on the right coner on the can there is a point it is supposed to be curved it really should be curved or rounded. the most important thing ive learned this course is to always start with a background never draw over something .the first thing i drew was the simble of the pepsi can wich was not a good i dea the instructions were to draw what we saw in each square.what makes the can stand out is the shadow of it .but i didnt really learn alot from this photo . the coloring was just basic from what i saw on the can i didnt really add alot of blues to this one because it wasnt really neccesary it was a basic picture of a can.
5. the artwork is one of my favorites because of my love for cars my favorite car is a mustang and thats why i did it .it reflects me in life because i always think about having one .the car looks basic but that is exactly how i copied it from the photo but i did add a different syle to the tire i changed it to make it seem like a kinda sport car.theres wasnt really a back tire in my picture but i should have just added one to it to make it look more like a mustang but people can still get the point of what it is .now the colors, i like odd colors and i choosed pinke,purple , and white because of those are my moms favorite colors.i liked how i had the white all in the middle but i put the pink and purple all around the surface of the car to make the stencil stand out the bottom of the car isnt scaled becauuse i sorta messed up with the knife while carving it out but i still did whaat i could to make it look nice ,overall this was my best artwork of all it didnt come out as great as i wanted it to be but the car just reflects me in so many diferent ways.

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